

In this final module, the focus shifts to raising children who are grounded and prepared to carry forward the family’s legacy. The HEIRS module addresses the foundations, character development, and legacy-building. You will learn how to establish strong value systems, instill work ethics, and nurture positive self-talk and emotional intelligence in your children. This module is about raising future generations who are confident, responsible, and rooted in values that will guide them throughout their lives.


The Backstory: The Confidence to Parent
For a long time, I felt like that mom—the one who didn’t quite know what she was doing. I was terrified of failing my children, overwhelmed by advice from every direction. Whenever I saw another mom who seemed to have it all together, I felt a wave of insecurity and inadequacy, and honestly, I avoided reading or learning more about parenting because I was so afraid of what I might discover. I didn’t want to find out that my worst fear was true: that I was somehow falling short.

Then something changed. My dear friend Manuela traveled to the U.S. and came back with incredible insights about child brain stimulation. When she shared her knowledge with me, it sparked something. I didn’t need to tackle everything at once—manners, discipline, spiritual growth, or all the layers of what it means to raise children. I just needed to start with one thing. Focusing on early brain development gave me a way forward and, most importantly, confidence. Bit by bit, as I practiced what I’d learned, I saw growth in our children and in myself.

From there, my confidence grew. I dug deeper, returning to scripture to seek wisdom on nurturing children. Slowly, my fears gave way to a genuine belief that I could be a good mother, that I was equipped to guide and care for our children.

This Homemaking module on Heirs, is here to help you on that same journey of discovery and confidence. If you’ve ever felt lost or unsure in your role as a mom, know that you’re not alone. This module is built to give you practical tools and spiritual insights so that you, too, can raise your children with love, purpose, and faith—one step at a time.

A Glimpse Of What’s Inside